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4/10【企管系暨運籌所專題演講】Shirley Wong, Chairman&C. Jimmy Shih, PhD / Development of Innovative Service
2015/04/10 (Friday, 13:00~17:00) in Room D118, Management Building

Title: Development of Innovative Service (part 1: Why innovative Service industry)
Development of Innovative Service (part 2: What investors look for)
Language: English
Speaker:Shirley Wong
Chairman, Singapore Infocomm Technology Federation (SiTF)
Managing Partner, TNF Ventures Pte Ltd

Audiences: Students in PhD, MBA and English MBA programs

Title:Development of Innovative Service Industry (part 3: Innovative Service Thinking and Design with medicare Example)
Language: English
Speaker: C. Jimmy Shih, PhD
CEO, Know-why Tech Co. Ltd., Taiwan
Adjunct Professor of Nat'l Taiwan U. of Science & Tech and Ming-Chih U. of Tech

Audiences:Students in PhD, MBA and English MBA programs

1. 此為企管系碩士班/博士班【專題討論-企業管理專題】之課程。
2. 請修課同學於12:40前至教室就坐完畢。
3. 請攜帶學生證進行學習時數刷卡紀錄。
4. 修課之同學若無法出席需事前與授課老師請假。
5. 聽講時請提早入席並保持安靜勿飲食。