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[博士班演講公告] 100年03月28日(星期一)下午13:30 共B209 Professor Janny M.Y. Leung 「Timetable Synchronization for Rail Mass Transit」


Timetable Synchronization for Rail Mass Transit

演講者: Professor Janny M.Y. Leung

Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Department

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong


In public transit systems, passengers would like to interchange between

different lines with minimal delay. We propose a mixed-integer-

programming optimisation model for this schedule-synchronisation

problem for non-periodic timetables. The model minimises the interchange

waiting-times for all passengers by adjusting the trains’ run-times, dwell-

times, dispatch times and headways. A novelty in our formulation is the use

of binary variables which enable the correct representation of the waiting-

times to the “next available” train at the interchange stations. We also

discuss an optimisation-based heuristic for the model. We have tested our

algorithm for the Mass Transit Railway (MTR) system in Hong Kong, which

runs six railway lines with many cross-platform interchange stations.

Preliminary numerical results indicate that our approach improves the

synchronization significantly compared to the current practice of using

fixed headways and trip times. We explore the trade-offs among different

operational parameters and flexibility and their impact on overall passenger


— 時間:100年03月28日(星期一)下午13:30

— 地點:共B209(個案教室)



1. 此演講列為「運籌所運籌管理講座」與「企管博士班企業管理專題」之課程。

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