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【企業管理學系暨運籌管理研究所專題演講】敬邀參加2017/11/10(五) Dr. Byung-Seong Min「Organizational Assimilation to Changed Institutional Logic: Does Business Group Matter?」


演講主題:Organizational Assimilation to Changed Institutional Logic: Does Business Group Matter?

演講講師:Dr. Byung-Seong Min

演講時間:2017/11/10 (Fri.) 14:00

演講地點:管 D118


      Assimilation to newly established institutional logics is important because it affects the survivability of organizations and the new logic against the vested one. Drawing on an institutional logics framework, we propose business groups matter in the process of organizational adaptation to the institutional logics. Following the 1997 crisis, chaebols, large Korean business groups, faced a legitimacy crisis and changed macro institutional logics from the vested family logic to the enlightened market logic underlying share value. Results illustrate that changes in organizational practices of chaebols to gain both community and innovation legitimacies were more than non-chaebols, which in turn leads to an increase in their firm values and in their congruence with the market logic. The magnitude of forces of these two mediators was found to be equal. We also found that the stronger (weaker) resistance of the vested family-entrepreneurial logic functioned as constraints (facilitators) against the new institutional logic. Our research highlights how the effects of organizational type (i.e. business group) on institutional logics are mediated through the focus on symbolic community logics (i.e. corporate social responsibility) and materialistic innovation, and moderated through vested actors and corporate logics.

